Discounted Model Hair Service


Looking for only 1 hair Model for this look. 100% human hair bundle will be used for this look in BLACK. You must have at least 4 inches of hair.

Price: $240 for everything! 

duration:5 hour

length: waist length- butt length



looking for 1 models for this look

100% human hair will be used in Black. you must have at least 4 inches all around. 

Total price: $180 include everything ill provide it

duration: 5hours



so for this one I wanted to do something similar but 

The locs will be a 3 ombre colour from Black at the top to colour 4 Medium Brown to color 27 as the bottom part. The curls color will range from black at the top to color 4 & 27 in the middle and colour 27 for the bottom curls

Your hair must be at least 4 inches. 

Duration: 4-5 hours

Price: $220 total ill prpovide everything. we will use HUMAN HAIR 

length: wait -butt length



How It Works

Hello future clients and existing clients. I am offering a discounted hair model service. This service are styles that I would LOVE to try out and eventually offer it as a service! For full transparency these styles are all practiced on mannequins and/or a real human head, so you can still expect the same great experience but in an educational condition.  

Below are the idea's I have in mind. Please note these styles are subject to change depending on how many clients I already have for the particular styles. I will update the styles I want to try as often as I can so you are also updated on what is available to try. 

For this option I do encourage clients to come with the readiness to take pictures after this particular service ( make up is encouraged but not required).




REMEBER By selecting this service you are giving me the creative control over the style chosen. This is a opportunity for you to get your hair done at a fairly low price and for me to extend my services to all my future and existing clients. Thank you in advance! 


How to Book:  DM on IG @ddshairservice


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